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Keywords: Digital

There are more than 200 results, only the first 200 are displayed here.


    Demonic youths and sacred children

    • Binoy Kampmark
    • 31 October 2024

    Two narratives dominate Australia’s view of children. The first casts them as dangerous, irredeemable offenders. The second, as vulnerable innocents threatened by risks online. Both anxieties reveal deep-seated tensions over safety, innocence, and societal responsibility.


    The ruler in a shack on the other side of the universe

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 21 October 2024

    With King Charles and Queen Camilla’s pending arrival in Australia, I have a guilty admission to make. The older I’ve become, the more fondness I have for our constitutional monarchy. That’s not to say I wouldn’t welcome a move to an Australian republic. However, I’m cautious about the sort of republic we might make for ourselves.


    On lying

    • Michele Frankeni
    • 15 October 2024

    Two years ago to the month, I wrote in this column of my despair and disgust of the impunity with which society leaders and politicians didn’t just shade the truth, but buried it six-feet deep and then gleefully stomped on it. In the past week, a couple of things reminded me of that piece and about the role truth plays in our public discourse. It reminded me how fragile our grasp on reality has become, and why that matters.   


    'Megalopolis': Is Coppola's swansong genius or madness?

    • Eddie Hampson
    • 02 October 2024

    After decades of cinematic highs and notorious flops, Francis Ford Coppola self-financed this grand spectacle — his boldest gamble yet. But in a film landscape that favors safe bets, can Megalopolis rise to the occasion, or will it be a final, glorious folly from one of cinema’s greats?


    Religious media battles the tides

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 26 September 2024

    There once might have been a distinction between ‘Christian journalism’ and ‘Christian PR’, however today those lines are far more muddied. The demise of the Australasian Religious Press Association might have been brought about by changing tides, but for those of us left it leaves one less lifebuoy to cling to.


    A second try at combatting disinformation

    • Frank Brennan
    • 25 September 2024

    The Government is making another valiant effort to rein in the adverse effects of ungoverned digital platforms. But in debating such a detailed bill without the backstop of a constitutional or statutory bill of rights recognising the right to freedom of expression, there are no clear guard rails for getting the balance right. 


    Should children be banned from social media?

    • David Halliday
    • 23 September 2024

    Social media regulation has been a long time coming. For the last eighteen years we’ve been running a social experiment where we watch what happens when we allow children to grow up with unfettered access to this technology. 


    I am pilgrim

    • Ann Rennie
    • 13 September 2024

    People visit graves and castles, libraries and mansions, battlefields and places of historical significance to feel a little of the lives of others, to pay homage, to make that human connection. We make secular pilgrimages to places that we have dreamt about or read in books or seen on screen. Wherever we go, these are ultimately visits to places within.  


    Familiar patterns

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 12 September 2024

    I’m now the same age my father was when he was diagnosed with cancer. I wonder about my own genetics and my two young children. Of course, there are things we can do to potentially influence our destiny, but so much of who we are is written in our bodies in permanent ink.


    Sports gambling ninjas endangering kids

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 11 September 2024

    Gambling ads are infiltrating children's sports content, raising concerns about the impact on the development of young minds. Is our current gambling culture something we want to hand on to the next generation?


    The silent epidemic: Our hidden child abuse crisis

    • Smeeta Singh
    • 06 September 2024

    Australia is quietly confronting a national crisis: one in every four Australian children has been a victim of child sexual abuse, but you would never guess the scale of this crisis, given the lack of urgency from our national discourse.


    Google’s monopoly money

    • David Halliday
    • 19 August 2024

    After a year in court, a U.S. Judge concluded that Google has a monopoly over search and had illegally maintained its monopoly by making massive payments to other companies to be their default search engine. Everyone in tech is quietly watching for what happens next, because how the U.S. Department of Justice treats Google will set the example for the other giants standing astride the world.