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There are more than 200 results, only the first 200 are displayed here.
When I sat down to watch Netflix series The Diplomat with my daughter, our conflicting perspectives led me to question whether age and generational expectations alter our views on relationships. I'm left wondering if I've been conditioned to expect too little, or if she's been conditioned to expect too much.
Renowned author and academic Tony Birch is known for his insightful and compelling narrative explorations into societal issues like marginalisation, Aboriginal identity and racial struggles. In conversation with Paul Mitchell, Birch discusses his work, the unique intersection of academia and creative writing, and the profound impact of historical dispossession.
In the midst of societal debates about crime, rehabilitation, and policing, unexpected voices often surprise us, leading to thoughtful and transformative discussions. A conversation about youth crime between an ABC presenter and the Secretary of the Police Association challenges preconceived notions about youth justice and rehabilitation, paving the way for compassionate responses and a more humane society.
Ian McEwan's Lessons marked a sharp twist in a five-decade literary career, and presents an opportunity to reflect on his expansive body of work. The one-time literary rogue and Booker laureate now stands as the unquestioned doyen of modern English fiction, his audacious work perpetually navigating undercurrents of unease.
As artificial intelligence evolves, warnings of an AI surpassing us in cognitive abilities grow louder. Yet, these threats, which echo sci-fi nightmares, are met with skepticism and complacency, rather than fear. Are our human minds, fine-tuned by evolution to grapple with tangible, immediate threats, ill-equipped to comprehend the abstract risk of a runaway AI?
Known for incisive insights into societal issues like fundamentalism, loneliness, and abuse, theologian and cultural anthropologist Fr Gerald Arbuckle is now examining the rise of conspiracy theories. In conversation with Michael McVeigh, Arbuckle discusses his work, cultural anthropology, and the impact of 'cultural trauma'.
Once viewed as the purest and most dependable, public tap water has faced a crisis of confidence due to the proliferation of bottled water and privatisation of water resources. Yet some maintain trust in public water, finding joy in drinking from public taps. Is this faith naive or a testament to the enduring belief in accessible water for all?
As we tread the thin line between technological progress and ethical responsibility, King's urgent appeal is for critical reflection on the unchecked march of technology – a timely reminder of the need to retain our intrinsic human characteristics amid relentless digital advancement.
Amid the tumult at North Melbourne Football Club, President Dr. Sonja Hood poses a potent question on reconciliation and institutional hurt. As the Indigenous Voice referendum looms, her query underscores a national quest for trust-building and healing, challenging us to consider the hard conversations that could change the narrative.
In a discussion with Michele Frankeni, Catholic scholar Dr Phyllis Zagano explores the question of whether there is a need for increased recognition of women in the Catholic Church, particularly regarding their potential in the diaconate. She investigates both the historical evidence for ordained female deacons and the modern arguments for their re-introduction.
During the Coronation of King Charles III, six family members from households scattered across the world unite via Messenger to share real-time commentary. The occasion was less a celebration of tradition than a moment of cross-continental bonding, reminding us of the enduring power of human connection.
In a conversation with Eureka Street, investigative journalist Nick McKenzie explores the drivers of human trafficking and sex slavery, examining the intertwined roles of law enforcement, the sex industry, and the migration sector in one of the most pressing social justice issues of our time.
169-180 out of 200 results.