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When we were small, my sister and I used to wake from the same nightmare. As adults, we draw a feeling of wellbeing from our connection, but there are pitfalls — husbands can get jealous and siblings can take offence. It is the hazard of exclusion.
The rule seems to be that one's attitude to Harry Potter should be either obsession, derision, or total lack of interest. If that's true, I'm in a minority: I am an equivocal fan. A few of the books are great. At least one is bloody awful. The movies are similarly hit-and-miss.
The focus on the sensational when discussing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous health tends to obscure some positives. Many families are dealing with problems of abuse and neglect with remarkable success.
Any cuts made in this dire economic climate must exclude items for improving conditions for Indigenous Australians. This Budget will test the Government's determination to 'close the gap' between Indigenous Australians and the rest of the population.
The Australian dream of home ownership is bound up in a process of gentrification. As interest rates drop and economies weaken, we need to ensure everyone can afford a place to live, not just those looking for a bargain during tough times.
The muted recognition of the anniversary of the National Apology was partly due to the bushfires in Victoria, which continue, understandably, to monopolise attention and emotion. But the momentous event of February 2008 has not been followed up by significant developments in Indigenous affairs.
An overweening trust in military muscle has led Israel into this campaign; it is hard to overlook the parallels with the Shock and Awe curtain-raiser to the Iraq debacle. It seems there is an unspoken assumption that Palestinian lives are not so important as Israeli ones.
If Singapore's courts convict ABC journalist Peter Lloyd of drug charges, his sentence may include 15 lashes. In a better world, 'restorative justice' would allow him to do something positive to counter the social ills that led to his actions.
The abuse of children in remote communities has been the catalyst for revising romantic notion of land rights and self-determination. 2020 summiteers were allowed to dream and strategise about closing gaps while wondering how best to recognise the enduring rights of indigenous Australians.
The missionaries thought the removal of children 'for education' was both the good and only thing to do. Modern attitudes reflect old ones, especially when people enter Aboriginal communities with a set of ready-made answers around employment, health and education.
Ugly. Rapacious. Bruising and governed by the narrowest definitions of national interest. These are a few of the descriptions that spring to mind after reading this devastating portrait of Australia’s negotiations over oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea.
Reviews of the books The Sparrow Garden; The Pyjama Girl Mystery; Stargazing: Memoirs of a young lighthouse keeper and Sacred Space, The prayer book 2005.
109-120 out of 120 results.