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It's hard to think of anybody who would not have welcomed Pope Benedict's apology for sexual abuse. By contrast, nobody could have been pleased to hear an exasperated Bishop Anthony Fisher refer last week to those 'dwelling crankily ... on old wounds'.
Events such as the National Apology and the Northern Territory Intervention loom large in the collective memory. Many of the struggles faced by early 20th century activist Fred Maynard regarding the protection of Indigenous rights remain with us today.
Zimbabwe's struggle for freedom took a wrong turn when Robert Mugabe opted for a strategy of vindictiveness. Recently Australia's 'father of Reconciliation' Pat Dodson identified the secret of Nelson Mandela's success in building the nation of South Africa from the ruins of the apartheid regime: Love your enemy.
According to the Ethiopian ecclesiastical calendar, a leap year belongs to St Luke. Having made its national apology to the Stolen Generations, for Australia this leap year has more in common with China's Great Leap Forward.
Even senior traditional hard men of the Liberal Party like Bill Heffernan and Shane Stone have indicated that it is time to act. It is time for Brendan Nelson to draw the line so that we can move on, committed to reconciliation and improvement in Aboriginal health, education, and life expectancy.
Many Australians want to go into the next century feeling we've done our bit to contribute to reconciliation. But there are some who would dash it to the ground, or turn it into something else. [Eureka Street December 1997]
Michelle Coram is an Adelaide lawyer. She has had a number of articles published in Australian Catholics based on travel and her experiences as a volunteer overseas with the Iona and Taize communities and at a reconciliation centre in Northern Ireland.
Boxing Day is a low-budget Australian film that combines different techniques to achieve a simmering fly-on-the-wall documentary-style drama. It seeks hope and forgiveness against a low-income suburban landscape, in a way that contributes to the broader story of reconciliation.
When reconciliation becomes a last-minute vote catcher, only the deepest, most corrosive cynicism is possible. Trampling on the rights of others for political advantage was the modus operandi of Adelaide's Nomenclature Committee in 1837.
This year's anniversaries are reminders of the importance of "sorry" in the reconciliation process. Why is it so hard to admit that most human of qualities, fallibility? Regret, atonement and forgiveness lie very much at the core of spiritual values.
Phil Glendenning is the director of the Edmund Rice Centre. He is also the National President of Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR).
Strange times, Cooling off in Tasmania, Where now for reconciliation?, Tides of history, Being scared of GM
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