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01 March 2010
An ego-driven, take-no-prisoners approach dooms atheism to remain an exclusive club. Only by forming alliances with the moderate religious community will atheists be able to preserve the elements of society they value most, such as freedom of enquiry and the separation of Church and State.
The soldiers are trained to walk through walls, become invisible and killgoats with only their minds. It's difficult todiscern any particular satirical point to the story aside from the occasionalnod to non-violence and the turtuous capabilities of Barney theDinosaur.
The strident debate over Islamic dress is again barreling through western democracies. If attempting to combat discrimination and violence against women really is at the bottom of the debate, then why not focus on domestic violence with the same hysteria?
The Singaporeans have heavy fines for antisocial behaviour such as spitting and swearing. It works for them, and creates a pleasant, safe environment for tourists. But the lack of seats suggests something more: a form of social control.
In July 1953, the Vatican's agent Rosemary Goldie — who died on 27 February — met Santamaria but was unable to convince him of the need to keep Catholic Action out of direct political involvements. She was dismayed by the Movement's defiance of clear directives from the Holy See.
it’s a god of sugar, a god of shallow forgives, it’s a god of stained truth and glass asunder.
Throughout his 2007 election campaign Rudd pledged to address 'inflated grocery prices'. But Australians are spending less at the supermarket than ever before. Cheap food has come at a cost to the livelihoods of Australian farmers and the environment.
Tony Abbott says health reform should cure patients and not feed bureaucracy. Yet properly structured bureaucracy is needed to protect patients' interests from those health industry lobbyists with profit motivations.
The growing awareness and legislation around bullying has had an unintended consequence: many workplace bullies have simply become sneaky. As the debate about this issue starts to swing, perhaps it's time bullies started to lie awake and worry.
What a pity gay Christians, who might so greatly enrich and evolve our religious institutions if permitted to flourish, are still obliged to eke their way along the shadowy paths of discretion if they want to be part of God's gang.
Australia's first Global Atheist Convention will feature such speakers as Richard Dawkins, Philip Adams and Peter Singer. I look forward to it with the same tempered gloom that would descend upon me if a convention of Christian evangelists came to town.
Remember the man who yelled 'iron my shirt!' at Hillary Clinton? No doubt Clinton knows the problems women face in their fight to be taken seriously in the workplace. Acclaimed The Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow has similarly found that male peers seem more interested in her body than her body of work.
Concepción, the second largest city in Chile, was worst affected by the weekend's earthquake. I was there little more than a month ago, visiting old comrades and my sister and her family. At the moment of writing I have been unable to contact them.
In June last year a solitary Uighur from Xinjiang province arrived in Phnom Penh seeking asylum. On 18 December he and 21 other Uighur asylum seekers were praying when Cambodian police entered their safe house and abducted them at gunpoint.
I am a pigtailed nine-year-old in frocks when I first lay eyes on the album. At a glance I can tell my grandfather's obviously old stamps from my dad's newer ones. Excitement fills me. What a treasure! I am rich! Now I can buy all the dolls I want!
We are often quick to blame government ministers. In the case of Bill Shorten, Stephen Conroy and Peter Garrett, they may emerge with tarnished reputations. But in rushing to criticise our ministers we often let ourselves off the hook too easily.
now because of you kneeling .. beside me, thumbing the scarred leather .. of the little mass-book your grandmother .. hid at the back of her Protestant linen-press
Last week Israel's air force unveiled its Heron TP fleet of unmanned aircraft, which it says can travel as far as Iran. War by remote control is faceless. We remain at a distance from those with whom we disagree. There is no basis for trust.
We are seeing only the early technology of the e-book. In five years the e-book will look, feel, sound, smell and gesticulate in very different ways from its iPad and Kindle prototypes. As usual, libraries are quietly ahead of everyone else.