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There are more than 200 results, only the first 200 are displayed here.
Peace is hard to define, harder to achieve, and almost impossible to sustain. In a world obsessed with profit, simplistic narratives, and selective outrage, peace feels like a lofty ideal rather than a realistic goal. But what would it take to make peace more than a buzzword—and a true global reality?
What does Donald Trump’s improbable return to the White House have to do with the mysteries of consciousness? Quite a lot, actually. From the psychology of a man shaped by relentless egotism to the social dynamics of his base, we scrabble for insights into what a Trump second term could mean for our fractured world.
Before the U.S. election, Don Watson predicted the electoral victory of Trump in his essay High Noon, an exploration of a divided America teetering on the edge. Dissecting the economic, racial, and cultural forces that led to a Republican landslide reveals an imperfect union at its most vulnerable.
The war reports we hear on the news often focus on statistics: casualties, destruction, and key figures lost. But the true cost of conflict lies in the long-term human suffering. For those living through war, the trauma endures long after the fighting stops.
As Australia watches the U.S. navigate its Trump-era transition, we wait in uncertainty. Any interregnum period is a time for rethinking, for wondering about our own nation, and not just for focusing on another. It is a time to rethink what we have taken granted about what is for the good of Australian society.
Donald Trump's first term, marred by impeachments, bureaucratic resistance and a pandemic, offered few answers as to how a businessperson might navigate the complexities of Washington. Now, as he returns to office, Trump’s business instincts — and their implications for governance — are once again under scrutiny.
As Americans confront the start of a second Trump presidency, the questions go deeper than policy. This victory, far from an anomaly, reflects deeper fractures and discontent in a polarized nation. How can a society move forward when politics seem unable to address, let alone heal, its divisions?
After a stunning defeat, Kamala Harris urged Americans not to despair even though as Trump returns to the White House, the Democrats face a harsh reckoning. Beyond the star-studded stages and celebrity endorsements, the real work lies in understanding the voters they overlooked and finding a way back to them.
As election night unfolded, pundits and pollsters braced for a nail-biter. But within hours, the predicted deadlock vanished, with Trump surging past Harris in key battlegrounds, defying expectations. The Democrats’ reliance on identity politics and celebrity endorsements missed the mark with Middle America, leaving them to confront the hard lessons of a stunning defeat.
The Doomsday Clock remains at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest it’s ever been to calamity. In addition to the atomic scientists’ original concern about nuclear war, now climate change and the possible dangers of AI are parts of a potentially combustible mix. In short, there is much to fret about for anyone paying attention.
Beyond economic and national security agendas, Trump’s appeal, more visceral than policy-driven, hinges on tapping into a collective disillusionment — one that sees progressive ideology as veering into an unforgiving orthodoxy.
In the most bitter of election seasons in America, thousands of votes will be won and lost by seeking to protect the civil rights of Israelis and Palestinians alike, although any kind of lasting peace will require greater effort than any U.S. political party has yet devoted to it.
13-24 out of 200 results.